Wax Jacket: A Stylish and Functional Essential in Men’s Grooming

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When it comes to men’s grooming and fashion, the choices are vast, but few items stand out like a well-crafted wax jacket. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of wax jackets, providing insights, suggestions, and reasons to make this timeless piece a staple in your wardrobe.

Introduction to Wax Jackets

What makes a wax jacket unique?

Wax jackets possess a distinctive charm that sets them apart from other types of outerwear. Understanding the unique features that define these jackets is crucial for anyone looking to make a style statement while embracing functionality.

Water-Repellent Wax Coating

At the heart of a wax jacket’s uniqueness lies its water-repellent wax coating. Traditionally, these jackets are crafted from cotton or a cotton blend, onto which a wax treatment is applied. This treatment not only gives the fabric a rugged texture but also creates a barrier against moisture. The waxed surface ensures that rain and water bead off, keeping the wearer dry even in unpredictable weather conditions.

Distinctive Aesthetic Evolution

Wax jackets have undergone a fascinating aesthetic evolution over the years. Initially designed for outdoor pursuits like hunting and fishing, the distinctive waxed appearance was born out of the necessity for durability and weather resistance. Today, this rugged aesthetic has transcended its utilitarian roots and become a fashion statement, embraced by individuals seeking a blend of style and functionality

Patina and Aging Character

One of the most unique aspects of wax jackets is how they age gracefully, developing a distinctive patina over time. As the jacket accumulates wear, the wax coating fades in certain areas, creating a unique and personalized appearance. This aging process adds character to the jacket, telling a visual story of the wearer’s adventures and experiences.

Historical significance of wax jackets

The historical roots of wax jackets trace back to a time when function outweighed fashion, and durable outerwear was essential for facing the elements during outdoor pursuits. Understanding the historical significance of wax jackets provides insight into their evolution from practical utility to becoming iconic pieces in the world of men’s grooming.

Origins in Outdoor Pursuits

Wax jackets have their origins in the need for robust and weather-resistant outerwear for outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and other rural pursuits. The wax coating served as a protective layer against rain, wind, and thorny underbrush, making them indispensable for individuals engaging in outdoor adventures in diverse weather conditions.

The Barbour Connection

The historical narrative of wax jackets is closely tied to the Barbour brand, founded by John Barbour in South Shields, England, in 1894. Barbour initially manufactured oilskins for sailors, but it was his grandson, Duncan Barbour, who adapted the technology for creating wax jackets for civilian use. These early designs laid the foundation for the classic wax jacket we know today.

Military Influence

Wax jackets gained prominence during World War I and World War II, where military personnel appreciated their practicality and weather-resistant properties. The jackets provided protection against the harsh conditions on the frontlines, solidifying their reputation for durability and functionality.

Choosing the Right Wax Jacket

Understanding different waxing techniques

The diverse world of wax jackets encompasses various waxing techniques, each contributing to the unique characteristics of these iconic garments. Delving into the intricacies of these techniques provides valuable insights into the craftsmanship and qualities that define different wax jackets. Here, we explore the nuances of the waxing process and how it shapes the overall design and functionality of these distinctive pieces.

Traditional Oil-Based Waxing

One of the earliest and most traditional waxing techniques involves the use of oil-based waxes. Typically, a blend of paraffin wax and oil, such as linseed oil, is applied to the fabric. This method not only enhances water repellency but also imbues the fabric with a distinctive sheen. The resulting wax jacket exhibits a classic, slightly glossy appearance, evoking a timeless and rugged aesthetic.

Modern Waxing Techniques

With advancements in textile technology, modern wax jackets may utilize synthetic waxes or a combination of natural and synthetic materials. These waxes often contain fluorocarbons or polymers, enhancing water resistance while maintaining a lightweight feel. Modern waxing techniques cater to those seeking the benefits of traditional waxed jackets without the weight and stiffness associated with some older designs.

Wax Infusion Processes

Innovative wax infusion processes have emerged to create a more uniform and consistent wax coating on fabrics. Instead of applying wax externally, some jackets undergo a process where the wax is infused into the fabric fibers. This technique ensures a more even distribution of wax, resulting in enhanced water repellency and a softer feel. Jackets treated with wax infusion often strike a balance between durability and comfort.

Brushed Waxes for Texture

For those who appreciate texture and a more tactile feel, brushed waxing techniques are employed. After applying the wax, the fabric undergoes a brushing process that not only enhances the texture but also provides a matte finish. This technique gives the jacket a worn-in look from the outset, offering a vintage aesthetic that appeals to individuals seeking a well-loved appearance.

Identifying the ideal fit for various body types

Choosing the right wax jacket involves more than just selecting a preferred style; it’s about finding the ideal fit that complements your body type:

Understanding Body Types

Before delving into the specifics of wax jacket fits, it’s crucial to identify your body type. Common body types include:

  • Slim: Lean and narrow with little emphasis on muscle mass.
  • Athletic: Well-defined muscles and a broader chest and shoulders.
  • Regular/Classic: A balanced body shape with no extreme proportions.
  • Tall: Above-average height, which may require longer sleeves and body length.
  • Big and Tall: Both above-average height and broader proportions.

Slim Fit Wax Jackets

For individuals with a slim physique, opting for a slim-fit wax jacket is key. These jackets are tailored to provide a more tapered silhouette, avoiding excess fabric that may overwhelm a slender frame. Look for jackets with narrower sleeves and a slightly shorter length to maintain proportionality.

Athletic Fit Wax Jackets

Those with an athletic build should opt for wax jackets designed to accommodate broader shoulders and a more muscular chest. Jackets labeled as “athletic fit” often have a bit more room in the upper body while still maintaining a tapered waist. This prevents the jacket from feeling too constricting in areas where more muscular development exists.

Regular/Classic Fit Wax Jackets

The regular or classic fit is a versatile option suitable for those with a balanced body shape. These jackets offer a comfortable fit without being too tight or too loose. The goal is to maintain a well-proportioned silhouette that doesn’t accentuate any particular area. It’s a safe and timeless choice for a variety of body types.

Tall Fit Wax Jackets

Individuals with above-average height often face challenges finding jackets with sufficient sleeve and body length. Look for wax jackets labeled as “tall” or “long,” ensuring that the sleeves and overall length provide adequate coverage. This prevents the jacket from appearing too short on a taller frame.

Big and Tall Fit Wax Jackets

For those with both a larger and taller physique, jackets labeled as “big and tall” offer the best fit. These jackets are designed to accommodate a broader chest and shoulders while maintaining the necessary length for taller individuals. It’s crucial to avoid jackets that are too tight across the chest or too short in the sleeves.

Selecting the right color and style

Understanding the nuances of color and style options ensures that your wax jacket becomes a versatile and stylish addition to your collection. Let’s explore the details of making the best choices when it comes to color and style:

Understanding Color Options

  1. Classic Olive or Sage Green: A timeless choice that pays homage to the traditional wax jacket aesthetic. Olive or sage green exudes a rustic and heritage feel, making it a versatile color that pairs well with various outfits.

  2. Navy Blue: A sophisticated alternative to green, navy blue offers a more urban and refined look. It’s an excellent option for those who want the functionality of a wax jacket while maintaining a polished appearance.

  3. Brown or Tan: Earthy tones like brown or tan bring warmth to your wardrobe. These colors work well in both rural and urban settings, offering a versatile and stylish option that complements a range of outfits.

  4. Black: For a sleek and modern take on the wax jacket, black is a sophisticated choice. It adds an urban edge and can seamlessly transition from casual to semi-formal occasions.

  5. Burgundy or Rust: Adding a pop of color to your wax jacket collection, burgundy or rust tones provide a unique and stylish option. These colors stand out while still maintaining a classic vibe.

Considering Style Variations

  1. Classic Barbour Bedale or Beaufort Styles: These timeless styles are characterized by their shorter length, relaxed fit, and signature corduroy collars. The Bedale is slightly shorter and more tailored, while the Beaufort offers a bit more length and a boxier cut.

  2. Quilted Wax Jackets: If you’re looking for added warmth and texture, quilted wax jackets are a stylish option. The quilted pattern not only enhances insulation but also adds a touch of sophistication.

  3. Field Jacket Style: Inspired by military designs, field jackets feature multiple pockets and a slightly longer length. This style is both functional and fashionable, making it suitable for various occasions.

  4. Contemporary Slim Fit Styles: For those who prefer a more modern and streamlined look, contemporary slim-fit wax jackets are available. These styles maintain the functionality of wax jackets while offering a sleeker silhouette.

  5. Hooded Options: Some wax jackets come with detachable or built-in hoods, providing extra protection against the elements. This feature adds a practical touch and can enhance the overall style of the jacket.

Matching with Wardrobe and Occasions

  1. Casual Everyday Wear: Earthy tones like olive green, navy, or brown are excellent choices for everyday wear. Classic styles like the Bedale or quilted options are versatile and complement casual outfits effortlessly.

  2. Smart-Casual or Semi-Formal Occasions: Navy blue or black wax jackets with a more tailored fit, such as the Beaufort, can elevate your look for smart-casual or semi-formal occasions. Pair them with chinos or dark jeans for a polished appearance.

  3. Outdoor Adventures: If you plan to wear your wax jacket for outdoor activities, consider styles with additional features like multiple pockets, a durable finish, and a hood for added functionality.

  4. Seasonal Considerations: Darker colors like green, navy, and brown are versatile and work well in different seasons. Consider lighter shades for spring and summer, and darker tones for fall and winter.

How to Care for Your Wax Jacket

1. Cleaning and reproofing techniques

Cleaning and reproofing are essential maintenance steps to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your wax jacket:

Cleaning Your Wax Jacket

  1. Brushing Off Dirt and Debris:
    • Use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove loose dirt and debris from the surface of the jacket.
    • Pay attention to seams, pockets, and cuffs where dirt may accumulate.

  2. Spot Cleaning:
    • For small stains or spots, use a damp cloth or sponge with lukewarm water to gently wipe the affected area.
    • Avoid using harsh detergents, as they may strip away the wax coating.

  3. Cold Water Bath:
    • If your jacket requires more thorough cleaning, fill a basin with cold water.
    • Submerge the jacket and use a soft sponge or brush to clean it with a mixture of water and mild soap.
    • Rinse thoroughly with cold water to remove soap residues.

  4. Avoid Machine Washing:
    • Never machine wash or dry clean your wax jacket, as these processes can compromise the wax coating and fabric integrity.

  5. Air Drying:
    • Hang your jacket to air dry in a well-ventilated area.
    • Avoid exposing it to direct heat sources, as excessive heat can melt the wax.

  6. Replenishing Worn Areas:
    • After cleaning, inspect areas where the wax may have worn off.
    • Apply a small amount of wax conditioner to these areas and use a clean cloth to rub it in gently.

2. Reproofing Your Wax Jacket

  1. Choosing the Right Wax:
    • Select a wax product that is specifically designed for waxed cotton jackets.
    • Brands often offer wax bars or liquids suitable for reproofing.

  2. Preparing the Jacket:
    • Ensure your jacket is clean and completely dry before reproofing.
    • Remove any dust or lint using a brush or lint-free cloth.

  3. Warming the Wax:
    • If using a wax bar, warm it slightly by rubbing it between your hands or using a hairdryer on low heat.
    • For liquid wax, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

  4. Even Application:
    • Apply the wax evenly, focusing on areas where the wax has worn off or appears thin.
    • Use a clean cloth or sponge to distribute the wax, working it into the fabric.

  5. Targeting High-Wear Areas:
    • Pay extra attention to high-wear areas such as cuffs, elbows, and shoulders.
    • Apply additional wax to these areas to enhance durability.

  6. Removing Excess Wax:
    • After application, use a clean, lint-free cloth to remove any excess wax.
    • Ensure an even coating without visible clumps.

3. Additional Tips:

  1. Use Dedicated Wax Conditioners:
    • Stick to products designed for waxed jackets to ensure compatibility with the fabric and coating.

  2. Storage:
    • Store your wax jacket in a cool, dry place when not in use.
    • Avoid folding it for extended periods to prevent creases in the wax.

  3. Avoid Solvents:
    • Avoid using solvents or strong detergents, as they can damage the wax coating.

  4. Professional Reproofing:
    • Consider professional reproofing services for a thorough treatment, especially if your jacket has significant wear.

Regular cleaning and reproofing not only maintain the functionality of your wax jacket but also contribute to its distinctive appearance and longevity.

Storing Your Wax Jacket Properly

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the longevity and appearance of your wax jacket. Let’s explore detailed tips on how to store your wax jacket effectively, ensuring it remains a stylish and functional piece in your wardrobe for years to come.

  • Clean Before Storing: Ensure your wax jacket is clean before storing it. Dirt and debris can affect the fabric over time. Wipe off any surface dirt with a damp cloth and let the jacket air dry completely before putting it away.

  • Check for Reproofing Needs: Before storing, check the water resistance of your wax jacket. If the water is not beading up on the surface, it might be time for reproofing. Address any reproofing needs before storing to ensure maximum protection against moisture.

  • Choose a Cool, Dry Space: Select a cool, dry storage space for your wax jacket. Avoid areas prone to moisture, as this can affect the waxed finish. A closet with good ventilation is ideal. Consider using a garment bag to protect it from dust.

  • Avoid Folding, Hang Instead: Avoid folding your wax jacket, as this can cause creases in the waxed fabric. Instead, hang it on a sturdy hanger. Use a hanger that supports the shoulders of the jacket to maintain its shape.

  • Beware of Moths and Insects: Protect your wax jacket from moths and insects by using natural deterrents like cedar blocks or lavender sachets. These not only keep pests away but also add a pleasant aroma to the storage space.

Common Mistakes to Avoid In Maintenance

Maintaining your wax jacket requires careful attention to detail and adherence to best practices:

1. Using Harsh Detergents

Mistake: Using strong detergents or cleaning agents with harsh chemicals.

Impact: Harsh detergents can strip away the wax coating, diminishing the jacket’s weather resistance and altering its appearance.

Solution: Stick to mild soaps or specialized cleaners designed for waxed jackets. Avoid abrasive or corrosive substances, opting for products that preserve the wax while effectively removing dirt.

2. Machine Washing or Dry Cleaning

Mistake: Machine washing or dry cleaning your wax jacket.

Impact: Aggressive washing methods can damage the wax coating and alter the fabric’s structure.

Solution: Clean your jacket using gentle hand-cleaning techniques. Avoid the convenience of machine washing and the chemicals involved in dry cleaning to preserve the waxed cotton’s unique properties.

3. Direct Heat Exposure

Mistake: Exposing your wax jacket to direct heat sources, such as radiators or intense sunlight.

Impact: Excessive heat can melt or soften the wax, leading to uneven coatings and loss of water repellency.

Solution: Allow your jacket to air dry naturally in a cool, shaded area. Avoid using high heat during the wax reproofing process, as it can compromise the jacket’s overall structure.

Incorporating Wax Jackets Into Casual and Formal Wear

Let’s explore how you can effortlessly incorporate wax jackets into both ends of the style spectrum, creating looks that redefine the boundaries of traditional outerwear:

1. Casual Wear: Rugged Sophistication for Everyday Adventures

Styling Tips:

  1. Pair with Denim and Boots:
    • Combine your wax jacket with a well-fitted pair of denim jeans and sturdy boots for a rugged and effortlessly cool casual look.

  2. Add a Graphic Tee:
    • Introduce a touch of modernity by layering your wax jacket over a graphic tee. This adds personality to your ensemble while maintaining a laid-back vibe.

  3. Roll Up the Sleeves:
    • Opt for a relaxed style by rolling up the sleeves of your wax jacket. This not only adds a casual touch but also showcases the jacket’s detailing.

2. Formal Wear: Elevating Elegance with a Waxed Finish

Styling Tips:

  1. Choose a Tailored Fit:
    • Invest in a well-tailored wax jacket that complements your body shape. A structured fit adds a touch of formality to the overall look.

  2. Pair with Tailored Trousers:
    • Elevate the ensemble by pairing your wax jacket with tailored trousers. This combination strikes the perfect balance between formal and relaxed.

  3. Opt for Darker Colors:
    • Choose wax jackets in darker hues like navy or deep brown for a more formal appearance. These colors convey sophistication and versatility.

3. Hybrid Style: Blurring the Lines Between Casual and Formal

Styling Tips:

  1. Layer over a Knit Sweater:
    • Achieve a hybrid style by layering your wax jacket over a knit sweater. This combination offers a balanced blend of warmth and refinement.

  2. Choose Classic Patterns:
    • Opt for wax jackets with classic patterns like tartan or herringbone. These patterns add a touch of sophistication while maintaining a casual edge.

  3. Experiment with Accessories:
    • Introduce accessories like a leather belt or a stylish watch to enhance the hybrid style. These details elevate the overall look without compromising comfort.

Work-Appropriate Wax Jacket Styles

Here’s a quick exploration of work-appropriate wax jacket styles, providing detailed tips on how to elevate your professional wardrobe:

1. Classic Tailoring with a Wax Twist

Styling Tips:

  1. Pair with Tailored Trousers:
    • Combine your wax jacket with tailored trousers for a polished and sophisticated look.

  2. Opt for Neutral Colors:
    • Choose wax jackets in neutral tones like navy, olive, or black for a professional aesthetic.

  3. Structured Silhouettes:
    • Look for wax jackets with structured silhouettes that mimic traditional blazers, adding a touch of formality.

2. Layering Over Business Casual Attire

Styling Tips:

  1. Combine with Button-Up Shirts:
    • Layer your wax jacket over button-up shirts for a smart-casual ensemble.

  2. Add Chinos or Khakis:
    • Pair the jacket with chinos or khakis to maintain a professional yet laid-back vibe.

  3. Choose Versatile Footwear:
    • Opt for versatile footwear like loafers or polished leather shoes to complete the business casual look.

3. Monochromatic Elegance

Styling Tips:

  1. Select Matching Tones:
    • Choose a wax jacket that matches the color palette of your outfit for a monochromatic and sophisticated appearance.

  2. Incorporate Textured Fabrics:
    • Opt for textured fabrics in both your clothing and wax jacket to add depth and visual interest.

  3. Accessorize Minimally:
    • Keep accessories minimal for a sleek and refined overall look.

Combining Accessories with Wax Jackets

Scarves, hats, and gloves for added style

Let’s delve into the details of how you can elevate your wax jacket style with these essential accessories:

1. Scarves

Styling Tips:

  1. Texture and Material Matters:
    • Opt for scarves in different textures like wool, cashmere, or silk to add depth and visual interest to your look.

  2. Contrast or Complement:
    • Choose scarves in colors that either contrast or complement the tones of your wax jacket. For example, a vibrant scarf can bring life to a neutral jacket, while a matching one creates a cohesive ensemble.

  3. Experiment with Knots:
    • Explore various ways to knot your scarf—whether it’s a classic drape, a loose loop, or an intricate wrap, the style of your knot can significantly impact the overall vibe.

2. Hats

Styling Tips:

  1. Classic or Contemporary Styles:
    • Consider the occasion and your personal style when choosing a hat. A classic fedora exudes timeless elegance, while a beanie or a flat cap can bring a contemporary edge.

  2. Match with Jacket Tone:
    • Match the color of your hat with the tones of your wax jacket for a harmonious look. This creates a visual flow that ties your entire ensemble together.

  3. Seasonal Considerations:
    • Tailor your choice of hat to the season. A wide-brimmed hat can provide shade in the summer, while a cozy beanie adds warmth in the winter.

3. Gloves

Styling Tips:

  1. Leather for Timeless Elegance:
    • Opt for leather gloves for a classic and timeless look that complements the rugged appeal of wax jackets.

  2. Color Coordination:
    • Coordinate the color of your gloves with your overall ensemble. Matching gloves with either your jacket or other accessories creates a polished appearance.

  3. Experiment with Lengths:
    • Explore different glove lengths—whether it’s short driving gloves or long opera gloves, the length can impact the formality and style of your outfit.

Boots and Shoes That Complement Wax Jackets

Choosing the right footwear can make or break your wax jacket ensemble. Boots and shoes play a crucial role in completing the look while adding an extra layer of style:

1. Boots for Rugged Appeal

Styling Tips:

  1. Classic Leather Boots:
    • Opt for classic leather boots to enhance the rugged appeal of your wax jacket. Styles like Chelsea, hiking, or work boots work exceptionally well.

  2. Earth Tones for Harmony:
    • Choose boots in earthy tones such as brown, tan, or black to create a harmonious color palette with your wax jacket.

  3. Match with Jacket Length:
    • Consider the length of your wax jacket when selecting boots. Shorter jackets pair well with ankle boots, while longer jackets can accommodate mid-calf or knee-high boots.

2. Smart Shoes for Versatility

Styling Tips:

  1. Classic Brogues or Oxfords:
    • Elevate your wax jacket look with classic brogues or Oxfords for a smart and polished appearance.

  2. Neutral Colors for Adaptability:
    • Choose shoes in neutral colors like black, brown, or tan to ensure versatility across various wax jacket tones.

  3. Consider the Occasion:
    • Tailor your choice of shoes to the occasion. Brogues or Oxfords work well for semi-formal events, while casual derbies or loafers are suitable for more laid-back settings.

3. Casual Sneakers for Contemporary Cool

Styling Tips:

  1. Clean and Minimalist Design:
    • Opt for clean and minimalist sneakers to achieve a contemporary and cool vibe when paired with your wax jacket.

  2. Monochromatic or Contrasting Colors:
    • Experiment with monochromatic sneakers for a sleek look, or choose contrasting colors to make a bold statement.

  3. Ideal for Layered Styles:
    • Sneakers work exceptionally well when you’re layering your wax jacket over casual outfits. They add a touch of urban chic to your ensemble.

Belts: Accentuating the Masculine Charm of Your Wax Jacket Ensemble

Let’s delve into the details of how to use belts effectively to add a touch of style and masculinity to your outfit:

1. Classic Leather Belts

Styling Tips:

  1. Match with Jacket Tone:
    • Opt for classic leather belts that match the tones of your wax jacket. This creates a cohesive and well-coordinated appearance.

  2. Choose a Complementary Buckle:
    • Select a belt buckle that complements the hardware on your wax jacket, such as buttons or zippers. This attention to detail adds a polished touch.

  3. Wear with Trousers or Jeans:
    • Pair your leather belt with either tailored trousers or jeans, depending on the level of formality you want to achieve.

2. Statement Buckles for Personality

Styling Tips:

  1. Express Your Style:
    • Consider belts with statement buckles to express your personal style. Whether it’s a bold logo, an intricate design, or a vintage-inspired buckle, this detail adds personality.

  2. Contrast with Jacket Color:
    • If your wax jacket is in neutral tones, use the belt buckle as an opportunity to introduce a pop of color or a contrasting metal finish.

  3. Balance with Other Accessories:
    • Ensure that the statement buckle complements rather than competes with other accessories you might be wearing, such as watches or cufflinks.

3. Canvas or Fabric Belts for Casual Vibes

Styling Tips:

  1. Coordinate with Casual Outfits:
    • Opt for canvas or fabric belts when going for a more casual look with your wax jacket. These belts add a laid-back and relaxed vibe.

  2. Choose Neutral or Contrasting Colors:
    • Select belts in neutral tones or colors that contrast with your jacket for a visually interesting and effortless appearance.

  3. Ideal for Layered Styles:
    • Canvas or fabric belts work particularly well when your wax jacket is layered over sweaters, hoodies, or casual shirts.


Choosing wax jackets as a sustainable outerwear option goes beyond style—it’s a commitment to longevity and reduced fashion waste. From durable construction and timeless styles to repair options and investments in quality materials, these details showcase how wax jackets align with a sustainable approach to fashion.


  1. Are wax jackets suitable for all seasons?
    Wax jackets are versatile and can be worn in various seasons. By layering appropriately, you can enjoy the benefits of wax jackets throughout the year.

  2. How often should I reproof my wax jacket?
    The frequency of reproofing depends on usage and exposure to the elements. Generally, an annual reproofing is recommended, but more frequent application may be necessary for heavy use.

  3. Can I wash my wax jacket in a washing machine?
    It’s advisable to avoid machine washing wax jackets, as it can strip away the wax coating. Instead, follow our recommended cleaning and reproofing techniques for optimal maintenance.

  4. How do I choose the right fit for my body type?
    Our guide provides detailed insights into identifying the ideal fit for various body types. Consider factors like shoulder width, sleeve length, and overall comfort to find the perfect fit.
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Max Groomer

I'm Max Groomer, dedicated to inspiring and educating men about grooming. My goal is through informative articles, product reviews, and grooming tips to empower men to embrace their best selves with style and confidence.

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